Rational Life Center
Reason as a Way of Life


The Rational Life Center is a division of the Temple of the Human Spirit.

The Purpose of the RLC is to encourage reason-based living.

The Temple of the Human Spirit is an organization founded on the movement began by Ayn Rand in 1943 with the publication of “The Fountainhead.” It is dedicated on the principles exemplified by Howard Roark; rationality, independence, integrity, honesty, justice, productivity, purpose, pride and self-esteem: which we perceive to be the highest form of the human spirit. It is the human spirit, the spirit of reason, which has lifted man out of the dark ages and into the heavens. The skyscraper, the airplane, and the space shuttle are all monuments to the awe inspiring power of the human spirit, a power which no mystical belief can rival in its ability to achieve health, happiness and success.

The Temple promotes a rational worldview which, in addition to basic philosophy, encompasses ideological positions the fields of the special sciences that we identify as congruent with our fundamental premises.